
Support Asynchronous Handling for Push Notifications in FCM Django

Opened this issue · 3 comments


Currently, the FCMDevice model in the fcm-django package only supports synchronous operations for sending push notifications. This limitation makes it challenging to integrate the package with modern asynchronous web frameworks like Django's async views or Django Channels.

Feature Request:

I propose adding support for asynchronous handling of push notifications. This enhancement will allow users to leverage the full capabilities of asynchronous programming, improving the efficiency and performance of applications, especially those that handle high concurrency or real-time updates.

Thank you for considering this feature request. I'm looking forward to seeing async support in fcm-django.

I'm not so sure this is something this package should consider.
If I'm doing a production grade project, I'll be having more than just FCM notifications. I'd usually want to have my own asynchronous handling of these notifications which would then use the synchronous methods of this package, depending on what I'm sending out, be it FCM notifications, emails, slack messages, ...
This would perhaps be good as a standalone package on top of fcm-django, but as a core functionality, I don't think it's the greatest idea.

But if a higher-level project existed, and wanted to use async functions, it would be hindered by fcm-django not supporting async itself.

If what the author of this issue meant is merely providing async functions for others to use in an asynchronous manner, then yes I agree, this would be a nice addition