
Could you provide the codes of other evaluation metrics except HCE?

leaf1170124460 opened this issue · 4 comments

Hi, @xuebinqin, @DengPingFan, @HUuxiaobin, @PINTO0309 and @16673161214.
Thanks for your work on DIS.

The paper uses six evaluation metrics (maximal F-measure, weighted F-measure, mean absolute error, structural measure, mean enhanced alignment measure and human correction efforts) to evaluate the performance of the model, but I only found the HCE evaluation code in the repo. Could you provide the evaluation codes for other five metrics? So that we can be consistent with the paper during the evaluation.

Thank you for your time and effort in this project. Looking forward to your response.

Thank you for your reply. But could you provide a more detailed answer? For example, which file are these codes in? How to use them? I can not find all the metrics codes by searching the keywords, the same situation as mentioned in the issue.

Thank you for your reply. Now it can be evaluated normally.