Unable to find or change todo.txt
tonhou opened this issue · 8 comments
Android 10
Nokia 2.2
From Settings --> Browse cannot find todo.txt file
No error message, just nothing found.
Mindstream 1.5.0
Do you mean that nothing happens when you press the "Browse" button or that you can't pick the file using the file browser?
There's a known bug in file picker where it fails to pick files from some locations on Android 10 (like 'Documents'). But in that case the app should show error message at the bottom of the screen: Error: Can not get file path
You can create an empty todotxt file somewhere and then open it with the app.
But if you want to find the file created by the app, that might not be possible in file browser (apparently the file browser can't show it because accessing application data folder requires root permissions).
Is it possible for app to save outside of root so todo.txt is accessible?
Yes. I'll fix this in the next release.
Also is it possible that the "Plain text" page under the menu might be
selectable to copy?
I'll have a look to see if that's possible.