
Integration of XUnit and TeamCity is broken for Minimal and Quiet verbosity level

NikolayPianikov opened this issue · 4 comments

I've also created microsoft/vstest#1590

Steps to reproduce

  • Create xunit test project dotnet new xunit
  • Set environment variable SET TEAMCITY_PROJECT_NAME to some value to simulate running under TeamCity, for instance: SET TEAMCITY_PROJECT_NAME=my
  • Run tests using some verbosity level: dotnet test --verbosity Minimal or dotnet test -v quiet

Expected behavior

You should find messages like ##teamcity[testStarted in stdOut
for all verbosity levels

Actual behavior

There are no any messages like ##teamcity[testStarted in stdOut


dotnet --version:

Unfortunately, this is working as designed (and not designed by us). The change in verbosity is hiding the messages, and we have no control over that.

To work around this, stop using minimal verbosity on TeamCity.

Using verbose logging does not fix the issue

@zone117x Passing '--verbosity=normal' to 'dotnet test' seems to work for me.