Closed this issue · 1 comments
fommil commented
to save you from writing one...
import magnolia._
import org.scalacheck._
import scalaz._, Scalaz._
import scalaz.scalacheck.ScalaCheckBinding._
object ScalacheckMagnolia {
type Typeclass[A] = Arbitrary[A]
def combine[A](ctx: CaseClass[Arbitrary, A]): Arbitrary[A] = Arbitrary {
ctx.parameters.toList.traverse(p => Gen.lzy(p.typeclass.arbitrary)).map { ps =>
def dispatch[A](ctx: SealedTrait[Arbitrary, A]): Arbitrary[A] = Arbitrary {
Gen.frequency( => 1 -> (Gen.lzy(s.typeclass.arbitrary))): _*)
implicit def gen[A]: Arbitrary[A] = macro Magnolia.gen[A]
softwaremill/magnolia#118 (comment)
And there is also one for scalaz-deriving
fommil commented
I'm going to be publishing this soon as part of
val derivingVersion = "<version>"
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
// the @deriving and @xderiving compiletime plugin and macro
"com.fommil" %% "deriving-macro" % derivingVersion % "provided",
compilerPlugin("com.fommil" %% "deriving-plugin" % derivingVersion),
// the scalaz-deriving Altz / Decidablez / Deriving API and macros
"com.fommil" %% "scalaz-deriving" % derivingVersion,
// instances for Show and Arbitrary
"com.fommil" %% "scalaz-deriving-magnolia" % derivingVersion,
"com.fommil" %% "scalaz-deriving-scalacheck" % derivingVersion