
Access Violation Error on BW halfway through downloading a manga.

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I have two books in my BW bookshelf, the first one downloaded without a hitch when using the new method, but when I tried to download a newly bought manga, around page 21 I suddenly got cut off by BW viewer saying the error code "STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION" like this:


I had reset the reading status back to 0, cleared all cache and data, re-login, and even rebooted my pc, it's still persistent. Have BW finally caught up on what's happening, something wrong from my part, or something else?

Could you go to C:\bw-downloader-profile\Crashpad\reports and see is there any *.dmp files, if there is, attach it could be really helpful. Give the manga url could also help. This is not BW's problem, it is a chromium renderer process crash and should be investigated. Thanks!

Thanks for the dump file, it is a memory null pointer problem, if this could reproduce, could you give the manga URL so I can investigate this crash ?

Is this the only one or you have seen any other URL that will crash the renderer? Thanks.

https://member.bookwalker.jp/app/03/webstore/cooperation?r=BROWSER_VIEWER/d383ebf1-291f-40d6-bef3-fe6c510c3d43/https%3A%2F%2Fbookwalker.jp%2FholdBooks%2F / https://bookwalker.jp/ded383ebf1-291f-40d6-bef3-fe6c510c3d43/

I was able to reproduce the error one last time (as in tried to download the same manga again but got cut off on page 5 instead of 21), after that, I accidentaly updated Windows , and now I'm completely unable to download any. I did a fresh new install. The console script runs perfectly fine, but it refuses to automatically create the bw_export_data folder and in turn the random folder needed to save the images. Tried two different accounts but to no luck.

https://member.bookwalker.jp/app/03/webstore/cooperation?r=BROWSER_VIEWER/d383ebf1-291f-40d6-bef3-fe6c510c3d43/https%3A%2F%2Fbookwalker.jp%2FholdBooks%2F / https://bookwalker.jp/ded383ebf1-291f-40d6-bef3-fe6c510c3d43/

I was able to reproduce the error one last time (as in tried to download the same manga again but got cut off on page 5 instead of 21), after that, I accidentaly updated Windows , and now I'm completely unable to download any. I did a fresh new install. The console script runs perfectly fine, but it refuses to automatically create the bw_export_data folder and in turn the random folder needed to save the images. Tried two different accounts but to no luck.

That is strange, one possible problem is have you start it with --no-sandbox ?

I always copy-paste the commands and triple-check before entering, so I think it's not a mistyped command sort of problem from my part. Someone posted another issue recently, after updating their win 11 to 22h2, their bw_export_data also stopped working as intended like me. Maybe it's from there?