The argument 'queryOptionName' is null or empty
josefernandezatceiba opened this issue · 2 comments
josefernandezatceiba commented
When running an odata query, in fact the query in the article : "https://localhost:7260/odata/Shelves?$expand=Books($filter=Id lt 12)", i get an "System.ArgumentException: The argument 'queryOptionName' is null or empty. (Parameter 'queryOptionName')"
xuzhg commented
@josefernandezatceiba I tested it again, it works fine using postman, chrome, edge browser.
I don't know what could happen in using curl. does it work at your side using other client?
josefernandezatceiba commented
You're right, i tried it with insomnia and it worked like a charm. Thanks !! For curl , the url encoding is the issue, testing the endpoint with ""https://localhost:7260/odata/shelves/1/books?%24filter=Id%20eq%2011" worked fine too,