"The video is too short, it needs at least 6 seconds" Message
Opened this issue · 6 comments
Luc14no commented
Redfill commented
got the same issue
epartidas commented
Hello, I started to use the training tool and found this issue as well and it seems it's because the file path has spaces, if your path is "D:\Test 01\Tools" change the folder name to remove the spaces so it's "D:\Test01\Tools" and it will work. Do this for all 3 paths (Tools, MP4 and output)
Luc14no commented
Excellent, I checked it in the previous version, but not in the latest one, I will try and report back.
crabo0om commented
I also checked that but it doesn´t work on my end.
My paths are as follows:
There´s really no space anywhere.
Luc14no commented
I try to move all to C: drive and works perfectly!
There is my paths:
jp0lak commented