
User story: Store diet introductions

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Store diet introductions

As Meal App, I want to store samples of diet introductions of dietitians, so that those can be later used to generate new diet introductions using ChatGPT


    title Container diagram for User Story: Store diet introductions

    Container_Boundary(c0, "AI Nutrition-Pro") {
        Container(api_gateway, "API Gateway", "Kong", "Authentication of clients, filtering of input, rate limiting")
        Container(backend_api, "API Application", "Golang, AWS Elastic Container Service", "Provides AI Nutrition-Pro functionality via API")
        ContainerDb(api_db, "API database", "Amazon RDS", "Stores dietitian' content samples, request and responses to LLM.")

    System_Ext(mealApp, "Meal Planner", "Application to create diets by dietitians")
    Rel(mealApp, api_gateway, "Stores dietitians' samples of diet introductions", "HTTPS/REST")
    Rel(api_gateway, backend_api, "Proxy from Meal Planner: Stores dietitians sample of diet introductions", "HTTPS/REST")
    Rel(backend_api, api_db, "Write sample of diet introductions to RDS instance", "TLS")


New API to implement:

POST /api/v1/storeContent
  "type": "introduction",
  "dietitian-uuid": "3beddddb-d8f2-41a3-8b6e-38bf2a39a56c",
  "client-uuid": "47dba491-8a34-4bca-934b-b32532de975b",
  "content": [
    "Hi Mark. I created this diet for you. Hope you will love it :)",
    "Hi Joanna! Hope you are well. This 3 days diet will help you get started :)"


  • type - REQUIRED, string - type of content. For now only one possible value: introduction
  • dietitian-uuid - REQUIRED, uuid - id of dietitian already registered in AI Nutrition-Pro
  • client-uuid - REQUIRED, uuid - id of client application, that is Meal App, generated at onboarding
  • content - REQUIRED, NOT-EMPTY, list of strings - list of samples to store


Positive response:

201 - Created
    "samples-uuid": "f0511554-0328-4222-a911-a57de6b7f100"

Error response:

If dietitian is not found using uuid provided in request:

400 - Bad request
    "error": "Cannot find dietitian of uuid: 3beddddb-d8f2-41a3-8b6e-38bf2a39a56c"


Samples will be stored in API Database, which is AWS RDS instance. In table called SAMPLES.

SAMPLES table will have following columns:

  • uuid - uuid of samples, PRIMARY KEY
  • client-uuid - id of client application, that is Meal App, generated at onboarding, NOT EMPTY
  • type - type of content. For now only one possible value: introduction, VARCHAR, NOT EMPTY
  • dietitian-uuid - id of dietitian already registered in AI Nutrition-Pro, NOT EMPTY
  • content - serialized JSON string, TEXT, NOT EMPTY


Here is detailed breakdown of this story into tasks:

  • update Swagger API description file with new API
  • implement API in API Application
  • create new table in API Database and update IAM policy used by API Application for access control of it
  • update API definition (allow new API usage) in API Gateway

(AI Generated) Security Related Acceptance Criteria

API Gateway

  • AC1: The API Gateway must authenticate and authorize the Meal Planner application using the provided client-uuid before allowing access to the /api/v1/storeContent endpoint.
  • AC2: The API Gateway must validate and sanitize the input parameters (type, dietitian-uuid, client-uuid, content) to prevent injection attacks or malicious data.
  • AC3: The API Gateway must enforce rate limiting to protect against excessive or abusive requests to the /api/v1/storeContent endpoint.

API Application

  • AC4: The API Application must validate and sanitize the input parameters received from the API Gateway for the /api/v1/storeContent endpoint to ensure data integrity and prevent any malicious content.
  • AC5: The API Application must authenticate and authorize the requests based on the client-uuid and dietitian-uuid to ensure only authorized clients and dietitians can store content.

API Database

  • AC6: The API Database must enforce access controls to ensure only the API Application can access and modify the SAMPLES table.
  • AC7: The API Database must encrypt sensitive data at rest, including the content column in the SAMPLES table.