
Convert init.sh into a Composer PHP script for create-project

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Convert the logic in init.sh into a Composer PHP script that would allow us to simplify the setup down to a single command of composer create-project xwp/block-scaffolding-wp.

The Bash script accepts input from the command line, how would this work with composer create-project?

This requires converting the Bash script into a PHP script that is cross-platform. Here is the initial prototype for it that can be updated to have the feature parity with what is currently in the init.sh. Notice how it prompts for things:

public static function scaffold( Event $event ) {
$io = $event->getIO();
$default_package_name = sprintf(
$desired_package_name = $io->ask(
'Enter the desired package name (vendor/plugin-name): ',
$package = new PackageNamer( $desired_package_name );
$replacer = new StringReplacer(
self::slug_to_string_map( self::TEMPLATE_VENDOR, self::TEMPLATE_SLUG ),
self::slug_to_string_map( $package->vendor(), $package->slug() )
* For each file in the project directory:
* 1. Rename strings in file.
* 2. Rename the file.