
iOS: This is a draggable view, which works within a scrollview (Dragging within and especially out of the scrollview)

Primary LanguageObjective-CMIT LicenseMIT


A DroppableView represents a single draggable View. You may use it as a base class for the views, that you need to be draggable in your project. Currently it is built, to be used within a scrollView. But this could easily be changed.

The demo app demonstrates, how the DroppableView may be used in a project. The DroppableView is used as a subview of a UIScrollView and can be dragged within and also out of the scrollview.


Initalize the DroppableView like in th following example:

  • aScrollView is the parent scrollView
  • target is a view outside of the scrollview, to where the element should be dragged.

- (id) initWithScrollView: (UIScrollView *) aScrollView andDropTarget: (UIView *) target;

and add it as a subview to your UIScrollView.
Note: Your UIScrollView needs to set canCancelContentTouches = NO;.

Screenshot of the example app:

The black cards can be dragged from the red scrollView onto the green circle.
Try it!
