- 0
SIGFPE Error: packed_vector.hpp:996: void rebuild_rem(uint64_t j, uint8_t new_width_): Assert (size_ / int_per_word_ + (size_%int_per_word_!=0) <= words.size())
#29 opened by jikhashkya - 16
abort: packed_vector.hpp:465: void dyn::packed_vector::remove(uint64_t): Assertion `(size_ / int_per_word_ == words.size()
#24 opened by smoe - 1
- 0
- 1
Bug: Construction of list of rle_str with specified alphabet size fails (segmentation fault).
#17 opened by jendas1 - 4
Batch construction of wavelet trees
#13 opened by chrisbarber - 2
SPSI incorrect insert
#11 opened by chrisbarber - 3
- 1
SPSI serialization reports incorrect size
#4 opened by adamnovak - 4
No serialization support
#3 opened by adamnovak - 1
Template Specializations in Header File
#1 opened by adamnovak