
Add hooking API

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Allow users to intercept various function calls in the alt:V JS API for debugging/development purposes


  mode: "client",
  dev: {
    hooks: {
      // "alt-client" module
      alt: {
        // hook function must be an arrow-function so it can be converted to a string
        // caution: variables from outer scope (any variable of build script) can't be used
        log: (args, originalFunc, alt) => {
          originalFunc("alt.log is called")
          alt.logWarning("calling another api function")
          alt.log("since alt.log is hooked this call will cause infinite recursion")
      // "natives" module (clientside only ofcourse)
      natives: {

      globalThis: {
        console: { ... },
        // ....etc.

its been a while and now i think its not a good idea to provide this api in esbuild plugin options