[Solved] Using characters like "é"
Opened this issue · 4 comments
Hi, I'm french and found your program. I was interested in "Spritz", but as it ain't released yet, I use your program.
But in my language, characters like é or è are very common, and spread0r doesn't seem to handle them, as it writes "/xE9" for example instead. I've read that it's because of the UTF8 -> Unicode transition, but as I don't know Perl, I can't get it working.
It would be amazing if you fixed it because everything else is ok.
Thanks in advance !
It's quite easy :)
on line 321 of spreadOr.pl, change
open(FILE, "<:encoding(UTF-8)",
open(FILE, "<",
Oh My God !
You're so a genius !
Works like a charm, you should suggest this to the author, and if you don't, I think I will do it anyway (mentionning your username of course).
I suck in Perl so you really helped me a LOT !
Thanks so much
This tool is so awesome !
Well, I'm french too (but I keep writing in english for people reading this thread), so I had the same issue.
Fortunately I had to do some perl scripting for my studies, so it helped.
I guess the author will see my post.
Anyway, I assume he had a good reason to force utf8 decoding. So my "patch" works well for our case, but maybe it will put some bugs with weird characters, and so on. I didn't spend too much time on the code itself, so I don't know.
Can you label the topic as [solved] ?
Of course.
You must be right about the UTF8 encoding.
Solved !