
low ulimit on macOS

d4z3x opened this issue · 1 comments

d4z3x commented

Following the sample invocation on a Mac M1 Pro (macOS Monterey 12.5), gives the following error of too many files open:

git/algernon $ ./welcome.sh
Try editing the markdown file in "samples" directory and see the
results instantly in the browser at http://localhost:3000/
	Web Server

-> serverconf.lua
sitename="Sample Site"
FATA[0000] open /Users/XXX/git/algernon/samples/react_tut/tutorial20/comments: too many open files`

Ah, yes, the default number of files that can be open (or watched) at the same time on macOS is very low.

Try either removing --autorefresh from welcome.sh or try one of the answers here, for how to increase the ulimit:
