
Markdown rendering + Windows

Opened this issue · 4 comments

@xjl456852 reported in feature request #150 that table borders are sometimes missing.

@xjl456852 which OS and Browser are you using? And which command are you using to launch Algernon?

I got this reply from @xjl456852:

My OS is windows 11.
My browser is Edge.
When I put the test.md file in to the algernon main directory, the table has borders. but When I put the test.md file in to the algernon/samples directory, the table has no borders.

I used double click algernon.exe , double click welcome.bat, algernon -m file.md, and algernon -m dir\file.md to test it.

For example I used double click algernon.exe to start server:
Test.md in the algernon main directory:

Test.md in the algernon/samples directory:

I found anther bug.

I modified the test.md to test1.md.
When the md has two same picture links, algernon -m file.md this command can't to used, it can't open browser, and the process can't to load. (Using this command to run the test.md is normal).

You can download this test1.zip, and unzip it to test algernon -m file.md command.

I update the test1.zip again. the github has some error.
Now test1.zip is uploaded correctly, You can try this file.
thank you .

This works as expected here on macOS + Firefox:


I will take a look at how it works on Windows as well. 👍

I believe I fixed the issue with -m not opening browsers for some setups, but the border rendering issue for Windows probably remains.