Wireguard AllowedIPs/Allowed Subnet not accepting multiple addresses
Opened this issue · 5 comments
Describe the bug
When trying to add multiple IPs under AllowedIPs, only 1 is accepted
Device information
"network-config": {
"wifiEnbl": false,
"wifiSsid": "",
"wifiPass": "",
"wifiDhcp": true,
"wifiIp": "::",
"wifiMask": "",
"wifiGate": "::",
"wifiDns1": "",
"wifiDns2": "",
"wifiPwr": 78,
"wifiMode": 1,
"ethEnbl": true,
"ethDhcp": true,
"ethIp": "::",
"ethMask": "",
"ethGate": "::",
"ethDns1": "",
"ethDns2": ""
"vpn-config": {
"wgEnable": true,
"wgLocalIP": "",
"wgLocalSubnet": "",
"wgLocalPort": <removed>,
"wgLocalGateway": "",
"wgLocalPrivKey": "<removed>",
"wgEndAddr": "<removed>",
"wgEndPubKey": "<removed>",
"wgEndPort": <removed>,
"wgAllowedIP": "",
"wgAllowedMask": "",
"wgMakeDefault": true,
"wgPreSharedKey": "",
"hnEnable": false,
"hnJoinCode": "",
"hnHostName": "XZG-FA65",
"hnDashUrl": "default"
"mqtt-config": {
"enable": true,
"server": "<removed>",
"port": <removed>,
"user": "<removed>",
"pass": "<removed>",
"topic": "<removed>",
"updateInt": 30,
"discovery": true,
"reconnectInt": 30
"system-config": {
"disableWeb": false,
"webAuth": true,
"webUser": "<removed>",
"webPass": "<removed>",
"fwEnabled": true,
"fwIp": "<removed>",
"serialSpeed": 115200,
"socketPort": <removed>,
"tempOffset": 20,
"disableLedUSB": false,
"disableLedPwr": false,
"refreshLogs": 1,
"hostname": "<removed>",
"timeZone": "Europe/Amsterdam",
"ntpServ1": "pool.ntp.org",
"ntpServ2": "time.google.com",
"nightMode": false,
"startHour": "23:00",
"endHour": "07:00",
"workMode": 0,
"zbRole": 1,
"zbFw": "20240710",
"updHour": "01:00",
"updDays": "*",
"autoIns": false
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
- Go to 'VPN'
- Insert all details
- Insert as AllowedIPs:,
- Insert as Allowed Subnet:,
- Press Save
- Restart
- See AllowedIPs being
and Subnet255.255.255.255
, the 2nd one is completely missing
Expected behavior
Expected to have access to multiple AllowedIPs, but can only have a single one.
Additional context
- None
you must read about IP addres and network mask. using both of them allows you to define addresses pull.
Unfortunately I used the wrong examples and the addresses I am using are in different subnets and can therefore not be specified, since it only accepts 1 address as input.
Ok. So it's impossible to make this using the current WireGuard library.
I think you could setup IP filtering on your WireGuard server, and on the client just allow
Alright, I should be able to work my way around with that maybe, thank you for the clarification.
The configuration page should be modified though, as this currently states that a comma separated list is accepted; https://xzg.xyzroe.cc/VPN/#wireguard-interface-settings