
Change the organization's logo

xyzroe opened this issue · 18 comments

Hello @kirovilya, @nurikk, @G1K

Could you change the organization’s logo? Because the Russian flag, and even more so with the military symbol, is currently unacceptable on it all over the world.

if this is unacceptable for you - please transfer this repository back to me as the original author, because I am forced to leave the organization with such symbols on logo.

G1K commented

I'm not the owner of the organization, but I don't mind. However, I do not understand of course what to replace the letter, which in this direction symbolizes zigbee.

Probably to avoid doublethink use the whole word Zigbee or short Zig

Or we can use bee in logo instead of letter?

Hello. I didn't think that the Zigbee symbol would have a negative meaning.
The original name DiyRuZ meant the Russian-speaking DIY-Zigbee-community. And at the time of the appearance, the picture meant exactly that and nothing else.
I understand that now this combination will be a trigger for some users.
Alternatively, I can remove the coloring, leaving the rest of the elements the same.

But given that this symbol is used in military propaganda, it should be replaced.

It's not about triggering some users, it's about if you call the community Russian-speaking, let's remove the flag - make the logo really politically neutral.
Even in gray, this is the same flag - the aggressor state.

Why not use a bee, like one of the well-known software, but in combination with DIY?

Agree on point that aggressor state flag should be taken down. But not agree on letter z, it's taken straight away from Zigbee Alliance Trademark and Logo Usage Guidelines and Terms. Don't let this fuckers to take away letter z from you, even if they're using it for propaganda.

The proposed logo above is already good enough :)

If we refer to the Zigbee Alliance Trademark and Logo Usage Guidelines and Terms, let's use the original logo. Without any political elements.

how about a flatter logo?

Thank you all for the objective assessment of what is happening!

Other community members wrote to me that they were outraged by the change in logo and transition to neutral colors, citing political motives for such a decision. I'm bringing back the old logo.

Other community members wrote to me that they were outraged by the change in logo and transition to neutral colors, citing political motives for such a decision. I'm bringing back the old logo.

Who are this members? Do the contribute in open source Zigbee?

There are 4 members in this organisation, I don’t see any outrage in this conversation


not the authors of the firmware, but those who use these firmware, make devices with them.

If you want to politicize on GitHub, please transfer the Zintercom repo to my account, please, and stay with your logo rag.

@xyzroe I gave admin rights - now you can transfer the repository to yourself. I can't do it myself

not the authors of the firmware, but those who use these firmware, make devices with them.

Ilya, you act like a chick who gives opinion twice a day, yesterday you had no contradictions with changing logo.

And for users who do not even contribute to open source software, but want to dictate the rules - start with your contribution, and then tell others how to act.

@nurikk Thanks for being objective.

If you want to politicize on GitHub, please transfer the Zintercom repo to my account, please, and stay with your logo rag.

Ты сам политикой занимаешься в гитхабе судя по твоему аккаунту. Так что не надо других обвинять.

I forgot to ask you, pigdog.

If you want to politicize on GitHub, please transfer the Zintercom repo to my account, please, and stay with your logo rag.

Ты сам политикой занимаешься в гитхабе судя по твоему аккаунту. Так что не надо других обвинять.

I forgot to ask you, pigdog.

Поросенок микола, не бомби.)

what a manner to come to where no one called and start to spread their orders?