
need a grid

Opened this issue · 8 comments

Grids are Great components in web.
New.css needs a grid.
but grid needs classes. We need to add some classes for grid.

Grid is based on 4 css techniques.

  • css tables
  • css floats
  • css flex
  • css grid

Can I make a PR

Also Thank yo for this amazing work. Useful for beginners.

Grid is important.
Many CSS frameworks has grrids. Even skeleton dead simple framework.

Look at Google's material design guidelines for grid-

https://github.com/vladocar/Basic.css has a reasonable classless grid system, by putting sections into sections.

https://github.com/vladocar/Basic.css has a reasonable classless grid system, by putting sections into sections.

great idea @HelloLudger

With flex and grid existing in plain CSS, I don’t get how adding some CSS classes that are thin wrappers around those add any benefit.

I like the way new.css doesn’t reinvent the wheel by adding stuff like this.

I needed a grid with new.css, I share it with examples, feel free to use it! https://alexislefebvre.github.io/new.grid.css/

could you be more specific about the details of the grid .

If you look at the new.css page on github, it says "A classless CSS framework to write modern websites using only HTML. It weighs 4.8kb."

The demo page says "new.css is a classless CSS framework"

What's great about it is that you are free to add your own classes to do what you want. But it's ridiculous to try to make it into something it is not.