
Possible POP documentation error

danieldmulkey opened this issue · 4 comments


First off, this package is excellent. Thank you for making and sharing it.

Comparing the documentation on paramN and fparamN in help(ln.zSetPOPSettings) suggests that the parameters are ordered as you read them in Zemax. The discrepancy I saw is that Zemax 15.5 SP2 would then suggest that fparamN 1 and 2 are Tilt About X (deg) and Y (deg) respectively but PyZDDE seems think that 1 and 2 are Waist X and Waist Y. That said, the way it is now makes paramN and fparamN behave more similarly if I remember correctly.

That caused me some confusion but I was able to sort out the difference after some examination. I just figured I'd throw in a request for that to be clarified or changed for future users.


Hi @danieldmulkey ,

Thank you very much for your kind words.

I'm not quite sure I understood your question. The function ln.zSetPOPSettings() has two separate arguments for the parameters Tilt About X and Tilt About Y, which uses POP_TILTX and POP_TILTY (along with the specific values) to send message to Zemax. In fact fparamN1 and fparamN2, indeed, are for WaistX and WaistY, as for as I understand reading the Zemax manual.

The discrepancy I saw is that Zemax 15.5 SP2 would then suggest that fparamN 1 and 2 are Tilt About X (deg) and Y (deg) respectively

I may still be making a mistake. Therefore, could you please point me to the source which suggest the above?

Thank you very much.
Best regards.

Hi @danieldmulkey

Fixing that was easy ;-). I will close the issue.