elm startfighter

Start Elm with no module bundler.


$ git clone https://github.com/y047aka/elm-starfighter.git
$ cd elm-startfighter
$ npm install
$ npm start

npm scripts

package.json has some scripts:

  • clean
  • watch
  • compile
  • minify:elm
  • build
  • start

You can customize those scripts.

Cross platform

cpx, npm-run-all and rimraf works on Windows as well.

npm start

Run clean and watch sequentially.

"start": "npm-run-all -s clean watch"

The name of output directory is "docs".


Remove docs and public directory.

"clean": "rimraf ./docs ./public",


Run every watch:* at the same time.

"watch:html": "cpx ./src/index.html ./docs -w",
"watch:assets": "cpx \"./src/assets/**/*\" ./docs/assets -w",
"watch:js": "cpx ./src/main.js ./docs -w",
"watch:elm": "elm-live ./src/Main.elm --open --start-page=index.html --dir=./docs -- --output=./docs/elm.js",
"watch:sass": "node-sass ./src/style.scss ./docs/style.css && node-sass ./src/style.scss ./docs/style.css -w -q",
"watch": "npm-run-all -p watch:*",

npm run build

Run clean, compile and minify:elm sequentially.

"build": "npm-run-all -s clean compile minify:elm",

The name of output directory is "public".


Run every compile:* at the same time.

"compile:html": "cpx ./src/index.html ./public",
"compile:assets": "cpx \"./src/assets/**/*\" ./public/assets",
"compile:js": "cpx ./src/main.js ./public",
"compile:elm": "elm make ./src/Main.elm --optimize --output=./public/elm.optimized.js",
"compile:sass": "node-sass ./src/style.scss ./public/style.css --output-style compressed",
"compile": "npm-run-all -p compile:*",


Minify elm.optimized.js to elm.js

"minify:elm": "google-closure-compiler --js=./public/elm.optimized.js --js_output_file=./public/elm.js && rm ./public/elm.optimized.js",