
Introduce Kubernetes ClusterSecret operator.

Primary LanguagePython


Introduce Kubernetes ClusterSecret

Global inter-namespace cluster secrets - Secrets that work across namespaces

apiVersion: v2
kind: ClusterSecret
  name: default-wildcard-certifiate
  - prefix_ns-*
  - anothernamespace
  - supersecret-ns
  tls.crt: BASE64
  tls.key: BASE64

ClusterSecret operator will make sure all the matching namespaces will have the secret available. Any change on the secret will be replicated to all the matching namespaces

Inspired in:

Use it for certificates, registry pulling credentials and so on.



kubectl apply -f ./yaml

step by step

To instal ClusterSecret operator we need to create (in this order):

  • RBAC resources (avoid if you are not running RBAC) to allow the operator to create/update/patch secrets: yaml/00_
  • Custom resource definition for the ClusterSecret resource: yaml/01_crd.yaml
  • The ClusterSecret operator itself: yaml/02_deployment.yaml

quick start:

create a ClusterSecret object yaml like the one above, or in the example in yaml/Object_example/obj.yaml and apply it in your cluster kubectl apply -f yaml/Object_example/obj.yaml

The ClusterSecret operator will pick it up and will create a copy in every matching namespace: match matchNamespace but not matching avoidNamespaces RegExp's.

You can specify multiple matching or non-matching RegExp. By default it will match all, same as defining matchNamespace = *

Minimal example

apiVersion: v2
kind: ClusterSecret
  name: global-secret
  username: MTIzNDU2Cg==
  password: Nzg5MTAxMTIxMgo=


  • allow to pass annotations.