
Doesn't build?

danielsunden opened this issue · 3 comments


This might not really be an issue with the theme as such, but I can't seem to get this to render properly on gh-pages. Any thought's as of why this might be. Does the setup require me to do anything special?


y7kim commented

HI Daniel, you are trying to deploy the site under /Portfolio-New/ but by default, the theme expects to be deployed under /agency-jekyll-theme/.

Open _config.yml and edit the first two lines:

url: https://y7kim.github.io
baseurl: /agency-jekyll-theme/

For you, it should be edited to:
url: https://danielsunden.github.io
baseurl: /Portfolio-New/

Hope this helps,


To get it to render (style and images) properly on my own localhost I had to change a few additional lines:

  • In _includes/css/agency.css - line 269 and line 658: change the url to:
    background-image: url('img/header-bg.jpg');
    background-image: url('img/map-image.png'); respectively.
  • In _includes/head.html - line 11 and line 14: remove the / in front of style.css.
  • In _includes/js.html - remove the / in front of all the `"/js/jquery..." bit.

Hope this helps along with Rick's answer above.

@y7kim thank you! Helped me.