
Website rendering incorrectly

tillykrishna opened this issue · 2 comments

I forked the agency-jekyll-theme repo and I'm attempting to view the website at https://tillykrishna.github.io/, but I can't get the website to render as it does in the demo. This is what I'm currently getting:

Screen Shot 2020-08-20 at 10 43 05 PM

In my _config.yml, I have:

url: https://tillykrishna.github.io
baseurl: /agency-jekyll-theme/

Is there something else I'm missing? Thanks so much!

I'm experiencing the same thing. I have set it up on a local repository on Windows and it builds and runs perfectly with no errors in the browser dev tools. I've been trying to figure out if it is not compatible with github pages but there's no error message from github other than that it failed to build.

Hi, maybe it's already late but can be the answer for the next people who may have this issue.
You need to change the baseurl on _config.yml file. The base URL should be the name of your repository.
Hope it works! I had the same issue and now it's solved