
Throws multiple SQL errors in different areas

entrptaher opened this issue ยท 5 comments

I was testing this out and found multiple errors on the log mostly related to SQL. Here are some,

  • When creating account, ER_NO_DEFAULT_FOR_FIELD for many different fields.
  • When interacting with a hashtag or following/unfollowing a user, ER_FIELD_IN_ORDER_NOT_SELECT.
  • The Explore Users page randomly hangs the whole app.

Another thing is, it says MERN stack but MERN stands for MongoDB, Express, React, NodeJS. Though it's a minor issue. It looks promising, so I might try some PR though.

Its open source, am sure the owner wont mind some PRs

One of the fixes I tried was to apply this on SQL. But it's really dangerous.

SET GLOBAL sql_mode = '';

Can someone make available a improved version ?

I got it working on my side. You got to change the default values of the user columns, allow null or set a default value.

Also, when creating a post with no group, it tries to insert undefined, and it should be an int. So you got another error. You can fix that by changing the routes/api/post/post-routes.js to check that value for undefined, and if so, change it to 0. Something like this:

    group_id: (group === 'undefined') ? 0 : group,

I believe it has more issues, but I am fixing them as they come up.

anybody got an improved version?