
Cannot enable undo capabilities for grouped graph

ingrid0404 opened this issue · 2 comments

I was trying to enable undo and redo as shown in demo https://live.yworks.com/demos/tutorial-yfiles-basic-features/07-undo-clipboard-support/
I the graph is an instance of DefaultGraph everything works as expected, but if I use a grouped graph I get the following error in console:

constructor {message: "Affected parameter graph: Provided graph can't provide undo support", name: 'ArgumentError', cause: null, stack: 'ArgumentError: Affected parameter graph: Provided …les/react-dom/cjs/react-dom.development.js:90:45)'}
message: "Affected parameter graph: Provided graph can't provide undo support"

As far as I understand, this is not a bug report for the mentioned demo, but rather a request to help you with your implementation. As such, the GitHub issues is not the right place, as this is not an issue with the code in this repository.
Please turn to our support team to get support for yFiles, instead. Thanks!

That said - if this is about folding, enable undo on the graph that backs the folded graph:


Thank you for the quick response.