- 15
- 1
- 1
OpenOPC.open_client: ConnectionRefusedError + remote machine running OpenOPC Gateway Service
#26 opened by jamesbraza - 0
Got two errors during connection for 32 and 64 bit installation: OPCError: Class not registered and ConnectionRefusedError
#28 opened by danilNil - 5
- 1
Bug: opc.connect() and opc.servers() not working with host besides localhost
#25 opened by jamesbraza - 4
- 15
Starting zzzOpenOPCService error
#5 opened by rehakmatej - 0
Question: is the OPC client thread safe?
#23 opened by jamesbraza - 1
- 3
- 2
- 0
- 1
NameError("name 'OPC' is not defined"), <traceback object at 0x000001D87B9E0D40>)
#18 opened by nandhakumarbalu - 3
- 0
Error with line 7 in
#17 opened by emcfins - 0
- 1
Error occured when start openopcservice, which was complied to EXE by pyinstaller
#6 opened by Ansonmo - 1
How to read item with groups?
#10 opened by heroxxCN - 0 get "Segmentation fault"
#11 opened by xtddw - 2
The openopc developed for python 3.4+ is very interesting. However i could not find out the installation procedure. How can do it?
#4 opened by salishmaharjan - 2
- 3
Does this work with Python 2.7?
#1 opened by xamox