
Write Single Register 0x06 I think it works badly

Closed this issue · 9 comments

g6pl commented

If I use Write Single Register 0x06, I can not send DATA to another Register. Always DATA is saved at Register 0.
If I use Write Multiple Registers 0x10, is all ok!
Is there an error in the library?

g6pl commented

Thank you for your response..
unfortunately, it's not my league ..
I can not do it;)

it's not my league ..

a - you can try :-)
b - I think the lib is ok ( from looking at the code, didn't try ... ), you can check again on your side, maybe you can see the problem in your code ?

g6pl commented

My code:
`uint8_t writeMemory(uint8_t fc, uint16_t address, uint16_t length) {

uint16_t registerIndex;

for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) 

return STATUS_OK;`

and i use to testing program QModbus : https://sourceforge.net/projects/qmodbus/files/latest/download

where in your code do you use the address ?

g6pl commented

1.jpg is OK
2.jpg is not

g6pl commented

If i use 0x06 write single register only is temperature1 ok in my code.
If i use 0x10 multiple register write temperature1 , 2 ,3 are OK

should be:
array_writeMemory[i + address]=slave.readRegisterFromBuffer(i); ?

g6pl commented

By removing parts of the program that were not necessary for me, I did not know that the address was needed. You are great! Thank you again for your help. You did a great job!!!