
Does We have any plan using Typescript to refactor this repo?

teddy1565 opened this issue · 0 comments

Hi I want check, does we have any plan using Typescript to refactor this repo?

There are indeed good people who help declare types, but in many cases they cannot be correctly recognized and quoted.

And especially one thing that is more difficult for me to understand is that
We have ModbusRTU Slave function, but it cannot be easily referenced like TCP Server

in document

const ModbusRTU = require("modbus-serial");

but the example is mean ModbusTCP Server not ModbusRTU Slave

and module default export is ModbusTCP Server

if you want use modbusRTU Slave

const ModbusRTU = require("modbus-serial");
const vector = /* reference tcp server*/

const options = {
    path: "/dev/ttyUSB0",
    baudRate: 9600,
    debug: false,
    unitID: 1

const ModbusRTUSlave = new ModbusRTU.ServerSerial(vector, options);

I'm going to try to find some time to plan refactor this project using typescript
Or does anyone want to do this?