CodeMirror does not display colors, code, or mode
andrewryan1906 opened this issue · 2 comments
andrewryan1906 commented
I've tried following the instructions and piecing together stuff on the forums and can't seem to get this to work. I'm running Angular 7.
My angular.json:
"styles": [
"scripts": [
My feature module:
imports: [
providers: [..],
exports: []
My component HTML:
<codemirror formControlName="template" [config]="batchTemplateCodeMirrorConfig" style="width: 100%" [ngClass]="form.get('template').errors && form.get('template').touched ? 'is-invalid' : ''"> </codemirror>
My component ts:
import 'codemirror/mode/javascript/javascript';
export class CodeMirrorDemo implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
batchTemplateCodeMirrorConfig = {
value: 'let x=x+1',
theme: 'darcula.css',
lineNumbers: true,
mode: 'javascript' };
The line numbers display, but no theming comes through and the javascript mode isn't respected.
What am I missing? FWIW I tried including the javascript mode js in the angular.json, but I got a loading error in the Chrome console:
CodeMirror.defineMode is not a function
.. and it didn't work.
andrewryan1906 commented
Pinging again... dead in the water, I think I'm doing something silly but would like some help.