
Yabeda.configure! is not called when starting server via bundle exec puma

shouichi opened this issue · 3 comments


If you're using Ruby on Rails then it will be configured automatically!

README claims that Yabeda.configure! is automatically called when it comes to rails but when the server is booted via bundle exec puma, Yabeda.configure! is not called and leads to NoSuchMethod error (e.g., undefined method sidekiq_jobs_enqueued_total' for Yabeda:Module). Manually calling Yabeda.configure!inconfig/initializers/yabeda.rb` fixed the problem.


Envek commented

You are using yabeda-puma-plugin, right?

The problem here is that when you use start Puma directly it requires Yabeda very early in its configuration, before rails. And thus following line doesn't get executed as Rails isn't defined yet:

require "yabeda/railtie" if defined?(Rails)

You can read more about differences between various startup methods here: https://blog.sqreen.com/fixing-a-critical-issue-a-journey-into-ruby-web-server-startup-sequences-part-two/

As a workaround you can require rails gem before referencing yabeda in your Puma configuration file:

# config/puma.rb

+require 'rails'
 plugin :yabeda
 plugin :yabeda_prometheus

I don't know how to fix it at yabeda gem level yet. But most probably can do something in yabeda-rails.

Envek commented

@shouichi or upgrade yabeda-rails to version 0.7.1 which should fix this.

Updating yabeda-rails to v0.7.1 did fix the problem thanks!