Provide DSL to configure store settings
Arkweid opened this issue · 2 comments
Prometheus define new settings for metrics store_setting
It would be nice to have something like this:
gauge :users_count do
comment "Number of total users"
store aggregation: :max
Looks like enough to add one more option here:
option :store, default: -> { {} }, optional: true, comment: "Custom store settings"
The only thing that worries me is that it is way too specific for prometheus-client so we need either some general solution or way to specify options only for some adapters.
So, maybe it should be something like this?
gauge :users_count do
adapter :prometheus do
store_settings aggregation: :max
I'm not sure yet
I've released yabeda 0.5 and yabeda-prometheus 0.5 with support for metric aggregation with following syntax in the Yabeda metric declaration:
group :some do
gauge :tasks do
comment "Number of test tasks"
aggregation :max
Please try it and share your thoughts!