
We're LOW on support! Help us get up again!!!

nmielnik opened this issue ยท 35 comments


If you are interested in becoming a maintainer or collaborator for medium-editor, please reach out to me on gitter (@nmielnik)

medium-editor is still an awesome project with thousands of users. It was a blast to support and would definitely be exciting for someone who is passionate about the project.

Rather than continue to let it decay, I want to make sure any interested folks have the ability to help it grow and give the project the attention it deserves.

Thanks, I look forward to hearing from anyone who's interested.

@j0k3r @rishijain @orthes if any of you are interested in helping find others to take over the project, please let me know. Let's let someone else take a crack at this.

Happy to help, I am working on a github-integrated editor (https://qinab.com/ )that basically is just a custom setup of medium-editor, so I am happy to help :)

Joining gitter!

Like @egyleader I can't claim to be an expert developer, but I work very closely with medium-editor for my (soon to be) production-ready web app. So if there's a role I could help out with I would be interested.

Same here I liked the context menu style and stuff , I am not an expert developer, but I would be happy to help, joining gitter

I'd also love be part of the contributors to this project.

@duke7able @wiredmartian @jkhaui @guerrerocarlos @Jasonseah @paradite @BechirAhmed @mohamedr20 @dilantha111 @maria-skibs @rdeprey thanks a ton for raising your hands to help! medium-editor needs you deeply!

You've all been added as writers/maintainers/admins to the repo as well as been invited into a channel of gitter. I'd recommend joining up in there. I'll answer as many questions as I can through gitter to help folks get started and it's fine for you to move to a channel other than gitter if you have better alternatives.

Maybe @j0k3r @orthes @nchase @rishijain @daviferreira or @rvetere might show up in gitter to answer questions as well ๐Ÿ˜„

We use it instead of any other WYSIWYG library and we want to make sure that we can use it in the future.
I'd also love be part of the contributors to this project.

I'll help

lnds commented

I'll help, what do you need?

@Ahed91 @lnds sorry for the delay, I've added you as write permission to the project...

There are out of date dependencies, lots of open issues, tests are failing in saucelabs....it needs help in anyway you can provide as no one is currently responding to issues, fixing bugs, or anything else for that matter.

I've accepted the invitation
First of all, I believe my first task is to get a better view of our current code base.

secondly, I will check the below points (ordered by priority)

  • failing tests
  • pull requests
  • out of date dependencies
  • open issues

Third , I think we need a clear road map/ mile stones.

@nmielnik Iโ€™d be willing to help too if you still need developers.

Glad to help here if you need a hand.

Hi, How can I contribute?I am new to JS but still, I can work on it.

@curthusting + @yickling + @doions you are added now.

@Ahed91 did you need anything else to keep moving? Once someone is able to get a few things moving I'm happy to give them admin rights so they can start adding other collaborators/admins.

I am working on an app that uses MediumEditor but this project does not seem to have any movements - lots of open issues and unmerged pull requests. I also found some bugs while working on it.

I really believe that there is a lot of potential to this project so in the past 2 days, I took the initiative to give it a little push to start moving, again. I found that lots of the project requirements are too outdated to even work on my machine.

Here are my changes: https://github.com/roniemartinez/medium-editor/commits/refactor

  • Update packages
  • Fix tests
  • Fix cssmin warnings
  • Change jscs to eslint (jscs is not maintained)
  • Change csslint to stylelint (csslint is not maintained)
  • Fix spellings
  • Swap css and jss tasks

Can't do/will not work:

  • Update grunt-contrib-jasmine (errors)
  • Update grunt-sass (newer version of grunt-sass + node-sass fails)

I would like to get permission to be a maintainer or have my changes merged to the master branch.

Any feedback? Thanks!

Any feedback? Thanks!

I'm not using medium-editor, but it's a bit painful to see that after four days your post still hasn't gotten any feedback. (I've not looked at the quality of your contributions. Again, not using medium-editor; just ran into your post.)

Hey @roniemartinez, thanks a lot for your improvements! My time is completely consumed at the moment, unfortunately, but let's see if we can get you added as a maintainer? I believe only @nmielnik has the ability to do so

I made a PR from my fork.

Why is the code tested against old versions of the dist folder and not from a newly generated assets every time a PR was made?

ksorv commented

@jkhaui @nmielnik I see this project is almost dead with no one committing or merging since like last 1 year or so!!!

I know you guys are busy and want someone else to take over.

And as i see above, No one really needed to explain anything to anyone!

Add me as a maintainer or something!!!
I'm starting right now!

The reason being, I'll be using this instead of quill on my site...
And take a look at #1415,

Open source is to take a project in direction it's intended to and helps people!!!! I guess.

Sorry @roniemartinez , I've added 15 maintainers in the hopes that someone would be around to merge in your changes...you're a maintainer now, though it's 7 months too late

@ksorv you're now a maintainer too

ksorv commented

Finally, Let's try to get things moving!

Thanks a lot! Let's solve issues.

Hey guys nothing is moving here?

im ready to debug

ksorv commented

@ledzgio @debugd Things are moving, just slowly cause I'm only one person.

Please see some issues and open PRs, will give you access after that.

Also, The first thing I want to be done is to Migrate from sauce labs to BrowserStack
Then, .migrate from Jasmine(its dead) to Mocha or Something else.

@debugd You already have access. ???

ksorv commented

im ready to debug

Seeing you nowhere tho ๐Ÿ˜•

@sauravkhdoolia I would love to work on this as we are using this in a work project. Let me know what I can do and would love to be a mainter.

ksorv commented

@RobertJGabriel You can start by killing some bugs for now.

I am happy to help, what can I do?

@ksorv looks like development has slowed down ^^ I'd be happy to help out?

I was developing the same editor with flutter... glad to find this. I want to contribute so that I can use Korean well.

I will be willing to help, what can I do?

If anything issue let me no ok