
how can i change the size of a cell

duckjpsgaintas opened this issue · 1 comments

something like

layout.itemSizeOptions.VerticalSize = 200


layout.itemSizeOptions.VerticalSize = YBSlantedCollectionViewLayout(VerticalSize:200, HorizonSize: 200)

always made errors like "YBSlantedCollectionViewLayout has no member VerticalSize" or
"YBSlantedCollectionViewLayoutOptions cannot be constructed because it has no accessible initializers"

so whats the right way to change the size of a cell
thanks a lot !!

yacir commented

Sorry it is an oversight. I released a new version to fix it.

Now with the v 2.1.1 you can set the size options. e.g :

override func viewDidLoad() {

    let layout = collectionView.collectionViewLayout as! YBSlantedCollectionViewLayout
    layout.itemSizeOptions = YBSlantedCollectionViewLayoutSizeOptions(verticalSize: 200, horizontalSize: 200)