
This repo contains a Lightweight iTunes Catalog utilizing data from iTunes Search API.

User Story

  • As a user, I can search the iTunes Catalog
  • As a user, I can view result by different sections, e.g., songs, feature-movies, ...etc.
  • As a user, I can view basic information of the search results, i.e., name, artwork, genre, link to iTunes.
  • As a user, I can favorite or unfavorite search items.
  • As a user, I can view my list of favorited items.

Build and Run

  1. fork and clone the repo
  2. cd into the directory
cd lightweight_iTunes_catalog
  1. install node modules
npm install
  1. install budo for LiveReload
npm install budo -g
  1. run start script. (This would run the server and client start scripts in parallel. The client start script will run a build because bundle.js has been ignored to prevent injected environment variables from leaking when used in the future. A browser window/tab should open)
npm run start

Demo Images

Initial Page Load Initial Page Load

After Successful Search Request After Successful Search Request

After Favoriting Entries After Favoriting Entries

Initial Page Load with persisted Favorited Entries Initial Page Load with Favorites