
Primary LanguageShell


Setup Mac for Development


xcode-select --install
curl -LSfs https://raw.githubusercontent.com/yaeda/setup-mac/master/install.sh | bash



If you need, set proxy before the above command.

export http_proxy=<HOST>:<PORT>
export https_proxy=<HOST>:<PORT>

Apple ID

If you use High Sierra, open App Store.app and singin with Apple ID at first. Because mas signin doesn't work on High Sierra.

Optional Setup


  1. Launch iTerm2
  2. Change preferences location

Visual Studio Code

  1. Launch Visual Studio Code
  2. SHIFT + ⌥ + D (or SHIFT + ⌘ + P > Sync: Download Settings)
  3. Follow instruction


  1. Open Divvy.app
  2. Follow instruction (enable accessibility)

Japanese Input

  1. Go System Preference > Keyboard > Input Sources
  2. Change Input Source (use google-ime-japanese)
  3. needs restart

Google IME Setting

  1. Open Google Japanese Input Preference.app
  2. Change punctuation style

Disable ^Space hotkeys

  1. Go System Preference > Keyboard > Shortcuts > Input Source
  2. Disable ^Space and ^⌥Space

Set ssh key to GitHub

  1. Copy public key cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa_github_tyaeda_gmail.pub | pbcopy and add key to the GitHub
  2. Create ~/.ssh/config

GitHub with Proxy

Create ~/.ssh/config.proxy like below.

Host github.com
  HostName ssh.github.com
  User git
  Port 443
  ProxyCommand connect -H <HOST>:<PORT> %h %p