
Primary LanguageArduinoMIT LicenseMIT


##INFO: Project Arduino Cookie Clicker inspirated by Cookie Clicker by Odashnet. ( http://orteil.dashnet.org/cookieclicker/ )

##ABOUT: This project was made by GDG Žďár nad Sázavou on GDG Garage events by students and arduino enthusiasts. Project is OpenSource. For more informations check LICENCESE.txt

##CONCEPT: The aim is to earn large amount of cookies by making transactions. You can buy items for larger income. This game was very popular in 2013. We have created this project to learn more about Arduino.

##ABOUT AUTHORS: We are people interested in topics developer and technical issues in relation to Google technology, as well as other web and mobile technologies. We are part of GUG.cz, Czech GDG group also belongs to the global GDG community.

who participated:

Zdeněk Jašek ( https://plus.google.com/111137469366695364189/posts )

Jan Černý ( https://plus.google.com/108159768519742895965/posts )

And orthers...


###official website: http://www.gug.cz/cs/gdg/skupiny/zdar-nad-sazavou ###google developers: https://developers.google.com/groups/chapter/102250748568826837974/ ###google plus: gplus.to/gdgzdarnadsazavou ###Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gdgzdarnadsazavou

###E-mail: gdgzdar@gug.cz