
Colors flicker when input is focused or key is entered.

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Thought, it was due to f.lux plugin. However, it's not. I'm using latest chrome on mountain lion. Rather disappointing, did not figure out what is the reason behind this lag. Rewrote everything in sass and still the same thing. Any suggestion, folks?

no folks here bro, just me.
and what does sass has to do with anything...I don't even know what mountain lion is, but I guess it's some Mac silliness. Anyway, I have no Mac to test this on...and frankly, this is just an experiment, the world is still far behind in terms of browsers technology to make such a thing safe to use. highly buggy..

anyways, thanks a bunch!

maybe in a few years, if the gods of internet see fits, we shall have normal browsers without so many bugs. until then, we shall sacrifice fragile experiments and run away when people find bugs deemed un-fixable.