
Questions about `objBiggerThanArea`

PikachuEXE opened this issue · 5 comments

We are using this plugin for a sticky sidebar on a page with dynamic height section. (so the sidebar would only be sticky within that section)
But some user reported the sticky sidebar is "broken" sometimes, and it seems they all have small screens like a Macbook Air.
I can reproduce that by resizing the window to have height < the sidebar.
Then I trace down the logic to variable objBiggerThanArea.

So here are the questions:

  • Why the animation should not be made when objBiggerThanArea is true?
  • Would you consider making this an option?
    • with default value keeping the existing behaviour
    • I can try to submit a PR if accepted

isn't it obvious? the "sticky" object must never move if it's bigger than the size of the window, else the use will never be able to see all the "sticky" object's content because it will move with the scroll and the bottom (or top, depending on configuration) will be hidden. a very bad UX.

It's not the case when used with option scrollArea

please provide a demo page where such scenario exists, I am curious.

it shouldn't start floating so early in your page. Also this is a classic case for this plugin not to tale effect, since the user isn't able to see the whole thing if their browser's height isn't big enough. this doesn't convince me of anything.