
Unable to decide what to do with a city

jahodovykolac opened this issue · 9 comments

Is there an existing issue for this?

  • I have searched the existing issues

Game Version


Describe the bug

When conquering a city, I can no longer decide what to do with it, it happens either randomly or is decided like if I was an AI.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Load the attached save (next message)
  2. Conquer Nalaych
  3. It gets puppeted without asking
  4. Conquer Ghulaman
  5. It starts getting razed without asking


No response

Link to save file

No response

Operating System


Additional Information

No response

Well, seems that GitHub doesn't allow me to paste it even in a separate message, so I have no idea how to send the save

You could upload it as a Onedrive doc or save it as *.txt to up here.

@tuvus This sounds like an "acting like it's automated" situation to me

tuvus commented

I know there are problems with capturing cities while automated, but usually the problem is they don't decide what to do.
I'll look into it once the file gets posted.

tuvus commented

Oh wait, I just encountered this myself.

tuvus commented

Aaaahhhh, it's another AutoPlay thing! The exact same style as with the city constructions.

upload it as a Onedrive doc

Not a fitting recommendation for an open source game.. Recommended reading: gofoss.net, my choice: picadrop

or save it as *.txt

Better. Or - zip

Better. Or - zip

Aha, though I can read this without Translator but the Tran says zip as 闭嘴 - means SHUT UP in English.😂


More like https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/ZIP%E6%A0%BC%E5%BC%8F.

But for the other interpretation - you have to translate back and forth to get there. Shouldn't once be enough? Hmmm. You probably have a browser option that translates everything for you - evil modern times then... But actually the file format's name is remotely related to "shut up".