
Check mod versions when online-play

AutumnPizazz opened this issue · 4 comments

Before creating

  • This is NOT a gameplay feature from Civ VI, BNW, or outside - see Roadmap
  • This is NOT a gameplay feature from Vanilla Civ V or from G&K - If so, it should be a comment in #4697

Problem Description

We can add a version attribute to modOption.json, and check the version number during networking to enforce version consistency, which can avoid some errors.

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Look for a closed PR - there was a version attribute, once upon a time, in some far away branch. Auto-set from release tags if the repo uses those, but free to edit otherwise... And already integrated into the when-to-update tests with fallback to timestamps if missing iirc...

What's the mean of Release Tag?
Unciv gets Mod in Release instead of Code Lib?

Means - look at lat-am: https://github.com/Caballero-Arepa/Latin-American_Civs/releases - we can query that stuff, and differentiate between repos that don't even have releases activated and those that use them... Then not load every last commit via the master/main/(whatever is marked as such) branch as zip, but load the release instead. Modder controls a little more directly when people update. Modder (or anyone else) can still test by feeding the branch zip URL to mod manager's explicit URL dialog.

PR was #10900 by the way

That's cool, however, I would like suggest that inforce players to have the same version when online. Has this function been okay?