
Escorted movement crash

MitjaCernko opened this issue · 2 comments

Is there an existing issue for this?

  • I have searched the existing issues

Game Version

4.11.9 (build 993)

Describe the bug

Game crashes when trying to proceed to the next turn, due to a scheduled movement of an escorted pair of units (Great General and Mechanized Infantry).

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Load save attached below and proceed to next turn (crash).
  2. Reload and find the only unit with a "Moving" action (last Mechanized Infantry unit).
  3. Either break the escort or cancel the move to prevent the crash.


No response

Link to save file

Error report and save:

Operating System


Additional Information

After encountering the crash scenario (post-win state), I narrowed down the problematic movement orders until only one unit remained and still triggered the crash.

The only noteworthy hints might be that I remember linking and unlinking the pair of units multiple times in the preceeding turn(s), possibly while embarked. Also, I noticed that the "Moving" action is listed with only one of the units (not sure if it's intentional).