
Black and white tray icon not rendering correctly

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Title says it all:


The white box behind the tomato was not there before.

I'm on Manjaro Gnome (Mikah 20.1.1), fully updated, and running CherryTomato 1.0.0. I think this happened in the last update, though there was also a large Manjaro update, so, not sure what could have caused the change.

How did you enable black and white icon? I do not see that option in gnome shell

Forgot to add: I'm on the latest version of Manjaro, using Gnome 3.36.6.

This extension does not work for me at all

Weird. I also see that my previous screenshot didn't go through: even when I turn off the option, I still see the white square around the icon (which, as I understand correctly, is created by the Unite extension. When I disable the Unite extension, the cherry tomato icon goes to the dock).

Screenshot from 2020-11-02 18-46-06
Screenshot from 2020-11-02 18-47-00

Sorry, I can't reproduce this behavior. So I close this issue.