
on upload progress

joyjames143 opened this issue · 1 comments

I want to know how to code in such a way that the onUploadProgress works because in my code the file is getting uploaded but I can't able to get the upload progress

the below is my code for uploading a file

router.post("/uploadvideo", upload.single('file') ,async(req,res)=>{
let b2 = new B2({
applicationKeyId: 'my-app-id',
applicationKey: 'my-app-key'
await b2.authorize();
const file = req.file;
const result = await b2.getUploadUrl('my-bucket-id');
let resultdata = result.data
const dictionary = new Map(Object.entries(resultdata));

    fileName: 'video4.zip', 
    data: file.buffer,
    bucketId: 'boss-cloud',
    onUploadProgress: function (event) {
        console.log(`Upload progress: ${event.percent}%`)
  }).then((response) => {
    return res.send("uploaded")
  }).catch((error) => {


in this code, I am able to upload any file but I can't able to get the upload progress

it is a node.js application and I am using "Backblaze-b2": "^1.7.0".

the same issue for the download progress code also I am ale to download ut not able to see the download progress while downloading

I want to know how to get the upload progress and download progress

can I get it? if so then how?

if not? why can't I get it

Same here