
accountId returned from b2_authorize_account shouldn't overwrite the one provided on init

Hornobster opened this issue · 9 comments

context.accountId = authResponse.accountId;

When authorising the account, this lines overwrites the accountId that was provided as argument on init with the accountId returned from the authorize_account api.

This doesn't work when using other application keys, because the API returns the accountId of the master key and not the one provided.

This means that you cannot renew the authorizationToken when using keys other than the master key.

I'm now using a workaround (patched the authorize action function with my own).

Why is saving the accountId from the API actually needed if we need to provide it on init?

Good catch, submitted a PR to remove that line: #65. We shouldn't be overwriting any user-provided options, only adding the ones required to use the API.

cbess commented

The problem, if I can recall, is that when using B2 v2 API, you may not use the master key, but the API returns the account ID to use for subsequent API calls. I can provide more detail, but I would stress testing it in both scenarios (using the master key and using other authorized keys, with less privileges)

Don't you have to provide the accountId anyways? Why would you need to use the one returned from b2_authorize_account?

cbess commented

If I recall correctly, the one initially provided, which you call the accountID, per the docs, is the applicationKeyId, which can be a non-master key value. The API then returns a different accountId value to use with the subsequent calls.

Which doesn't work. You need to provide the applicationKeyId otherwise b2_authorize_account returns 401.

cbess commented

Have you used both a non-master key and a master key value and gotten the same doesn't work behavior?

No, I only use non-master keys. Renewing the authorizationToken wouldn't work because accountId was overwritten in the first call to authorize.

cbess commented

I'll point to my previous post:
#64 (comment)

Fixed via #67.