
Secret cave of mine

Hey there, I'm Berat Cankar (ベラトチャンカル)!

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I am Software Engineer at AWS graduated from Middle East Technical University in 2019. I have passion in coding and my favorite language is Python. The main field I like to code is Artificial Intelligence, and you can check my existing repositories. For further information, one can take a look at below code segment...

>>> from users import yakuza8
>>> berat = {
...     'pronouns': {'He', 'Him'},
...     'programming-languages': {Python, Java, C/C++, Scala, Kotlin, Haskell, Scheme, Javascript, Typescript},
...     'ask-me-about': {'web-development', 'artificial-intelligence', 'competitive-programming', 'systems-design'},
...     'technology': {
...         'backend': {
...             'python': ['django'],
...             'java': ['vertx', 'jersey', 'spring'],
...             'scala': ['akka']
...         },
...         'frontend': {
...             'typescript': ['angular4', 'react']
...         },
...         'databases': [MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, S3, DynamoDB],
...         'miscellaneous': ['numpy', 'scikit-learn', 'pytorch', 'kafka', 'html', 'css']
...     },
...     'interests': {'artificial-intelligence', 'machine-learning', 'security', 'functional-programming'},
...     'personal-interest': {'日本語', 'anime', 'strategy-games', 'sudoku', 'hip-hop music'},
...     'fun-fact': {'I fell in love with my cat Çiçek', 'I have a symmetry obsession :('},
...     'education': 'METU'
... }
>>> yakuza8.update(properties=berat)
>>> print("What is next? Let's have a big hug")