
Feature Request - User Notifications

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Users should be able to subscribe or unsubscribe to notifications at 3 levels;

  • Top
  • Class
  • Object

This gives users full control over what notifications they receive. For example a user could be subscribed to receive notifications for everything (top level) however they have unsubscribed to a particular class or object which means they will receive everything except notifications relating to these.

Other features should include;

  • A way for users to consume the notifications
  • A way to track read and unread notifications and to mark notifications as read when appropriate

Initially notifications will only be presented through a dialog within the backend however future iterations could add things like;

  • Push notifications
  • Email notifications
  • System notifications
  • Notification batching/silencing
  • @mentions

Closed with #45 🎉