
Main file is ignored

mscoobby opened this issue · 13 comments

What is the problem

The main files is included in the ignored paths and therefore the watcher ignores is resulting in no hard resets at all.

How to reproduce

Import the library in any Electron project, run the app and make changes on the main file without setting the forceHardReset flag

Additional information

"electron-reload": "~1.4.0",
"electron": "~5.0.6",

The main file is in ignored paths both with and without forced hard reset, but it seems that chokidar behaves differently. Does hard reset work for the main file when forceHardReset is set to true? On which OS are you?

Is this related to #26 ?

If I set the forceHardReset to true it works for all files. I'm using Windows but removing mainFile from the ignored paths fixes the issue. No it's not related to #26 since it finds the appPath and mainFile correctly.

This is really interesting, forceHardReset does not change the ignored path, but solves the problem. 🤔

Try the changes on develop branch.

It adds the glob which most likely overwrites the specific path.

Adding just extends the list of files to be watched. It shouldn't change the ignored list.

Try the changes on develop branch.

I don't have the repository cloned. But removing the mainFile from the ignored paths actually triggers the hard reset.

You don't need the repository cloned, just run npm i https://github.com/yan-foto/electron-reload.git#develop and require it as usual and see if everything works.

You don't need the repository cloned, just run npm i https://github.com/yan-foto/electron-reload.git#develop and require it as usual and see if everything works.

Yes I've just cloned it and run the app. Hard reset works without any modifications and it spawns only 1 process.

Alright, thanks! I'll release a new version.

Alright, thanks! I'll release a new version.

Perfect! When do you expect to release it?

ASAP. I've got a lot to take care of.