
Ability to find elements in Class Table shall be improved

IgorBM opened this issue · 2 comments

I have to test a table with the following structure:


Thus, when I declare it like:

  @FindBy(xpath = "//table")
    private Table rosterTable;

In case of empty table with a single row to be filled, I've got 3 rows - one for header, one for footer, 8 for tbody and it fails with this error on the line 143 in

        for (List<WebElement> row : rows) {
            if (row.size() != headings.size()) {
                throw new HtmlElementsException("Headings count is not equal to number of cells in row");

Could you introduce some flexibility to handle such table structures, so rows are being located under tbody, for example?

I can't find code you are talking about in htmlelements codebase. Which version do you use?

Sorry. It seems I was using the version 1.14 and in 1.15 you have resolved this issue already. Thanks for the hint!