
How can I remove tag from queue?

mashkay opened this issue · 3 comments

I need this request

POST /v2/queues/<queue-id>/tags/_remove
Authorization: OAuth <OAuth-токен>
X-Org-ID: <идентификатор организации>

    "tag": "<имя тега>"

this does not work because of wrong address

queue = client.queues[queue_name]
queue.perform_action("_remove", "post", {"tag":tag_name})

it uses


instead of


Hello! It looks like

queue.perform_action("/tags/_remove", "post", {"tag":tag_name})

should work

I tried it before with "tags/_remove"
It definitely send the request to the correct url
but it rises an exeption for any post request with or without any data

Tracker errors: 400 {}
yandex_tracker_client.exceptions.BadRequest: Illegal parameter 

get request raises proper answer method not allowed exeption

"/tags/_remove" sends request to wrong url


mocking the YaTracker API with requests module works, but I hoped to use client

I've got it

queue.perform_action("tags/_remove", "post", tag=tag_name)